Karaoke Page # 6

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Gallery of Karaoke singers

A BIG THANK YOU   goes out to all The Karaoke Singers & listeners too !

Cool OH yea !

We help you remember the event

What more smiles....Great

Which one is the singer ? Guess you have to come to see.

Well we always knew she smiles, Now he does too!

Boy do I like smiles.

Yes indeed she sang

What a little cutie

A Birthday Smile

Don't let the hat fool you .

Hey She sings too

sings and the shoes shine too

What a smile what a hat

Waited then sang together

Don't say a word about the hat, you can't have it

She is still with him even with the hat

Yes yes I have a hat too,

Two up and coming Karaoke singers

See I sing too

Now there is Spanish Karaoke too

Smiling people, just got to love it

Sorry not three judges, just good listeners

Wow what service

Yes the food is good too

enjoying the food and singers too

She sings and he listens,glad they came!

been wanting to sings and he did it.

Gald she got to come back

Well look who else got to come back

see she did sing

Tutti Frutti

Yes dancers