Karaoke Page # 12

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Karaoke Photos

This is another page for the great

Karaoke Time Singers . Thank you !Cool

Yes we have FUN !

What is the little one thinking?

More little ones

The gang. This is a good thing .

smile little one

Sure you can use your cell phone during Karaoke, keep spreading the word

Smiling for a good reason

He's pointing to his "Hat" , nice, what is she thinking ?

We love smiles

Wow more smiles

More great smiles, just got to love it.

Did you notice the smiles, how about the song book ?

um-huh that's a smile

Here's to all the good songs and singers

Cute zone

A smile and a hidden one

cute again

and another cute little one

Hey it's a Karaoke smile !

Kicking it up with a little air guitar moves

Two more Karaoke people....Great !

Great smiles

Yes this is Karaoke

yes the little ones dance too

A family group

Here he is !

A smiling group

Oh so cute

The group has a name....come find out what it is.

Cute is the word of the night

Lets Dance